Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Journal Topics and such....

I have been trying to remember life experiences that happen to me to help with my blog posting. One of those stories has to be the Fleetwood Mac Videotape. My dad loves Fleetwood Mac so much that he recorded a concert off of PBS one day. Once he gets it in his head about something he listens to it or watches like a hundred times or almost everyday. This drives my mom insane. She told me about it, so I asked him if I could borrow it. He did not know how long I would have it, but I kept it for more than 6 months. It got to the put where he was going to literally shoot me. I finally gave it back to him, but I made him think I still left it in NC for almost a whole day. It was one of the greatest pranks I have ever played on anyone.

On another note, My sister had her second Girl today. I don't have a name yet, but the baby weighs about 7 lbs. and 33 ounces (not sure that is right, one happy daddy here told me this) also she was 20 inches long. Congrats goes out to Lisa and Jason and her sister Blayne. What a joy?

I cut my finger so that is all tonight. See ya and God Bless.

1 comment:

Jason said...

Dude! You're so funny. That's a nine pound kid from what you said. There are 16 oz. in a lb. So 33 oz. is 2 lbs 1 oz. Allison Yokeley will be proud of me for using my math conversion skills! :)

Take care!