Wednesday, August 20, 2008

I'm only one man...

I am now the assistant Cross Country Coach, the head Varsity Girls Soccer coach, and the assistant FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) sponsor. The last part came as a real blessing. The schools around here do not care if you are an athlete or not, they let everyone come. We had this huge rally tonight and I was so happy to finally get to sing all those River Church songs. The only problem was they did not have any projectors, so I was the only one singing really. "Jesus he can move the mountains" I really love that song. Do you ever stop and wonder what other people are thinking about you? I do. I felt like weird, but then I remembered that I was there to honor God and his glory. It felt great after that.

The rest of the night went well, but I do have a slight problem. I don't like it when the speaker begs people to accept Jesus. I am all for people accepting Christ. I know our time on this Earth is limited, but in a room full of believers how many people are we talking about that do not know our lord and savior. Might be all of them, but it seems like we are just talking people into Christ. When he is ready, he will change your life.

On a side note, I miss Joey's preaching. Enough about that. Oh yeah I can't believe I got a brick for Father's day. Women get flowers and guys get bricks. I know we were in the construction business at the time, but I probably would have worn a piece of flair instead of the brick. Just messing with you Joey.

I live in a small town and teach. It took about 8 practices for my soccer team to figure out where I live. I have one girl that lives 4 houses down from me.

Until next time, God Bless!


Brian Leimone said...

i dont know if you have a singing voice, but when i read the line from the song, i heard you singing in my head.... but it was an awful sound (sorry) .... and then I wondered.... well just because I CANNOT sing.... doesn't mean the other brian cannot, so I wondered... can you sing?

Brian said...

I don't know if I can sing well or not, but it sure sounds good to me.